book published by CreateSpace an Amazon company, describes dozens of
colored gemstone, diamond, gold and other minerals and rocks. The book lets the
reader in on secrets used to find raw gemstones, diamonds and gold
in field.
for geologists, prospectors and rock hounds with some background in mineral and
rock identification, the author not only provides information
on the physical appearance of raw gemstones, but also describes many diamond, gold, ruby, sapphire, iolite, beryl, and other gemstone deposits giving locations using
GPS coordinates and legal descriptions so that the reader can visit the deposits
on Google Earth and on topographical
maps. The author takes
another step in describing areas likely to have undiscovered gemstones
based on favorable geology – in other words, a few readers likely will find new
gemstone deposits based on the information (some people already have)!
are many cryptovolcanic structures visible on Google Earth that appear to be similar
to kimberlite pipes.
This is significant in that kimberlite pipes are known as potential hosts for diamond, garnet, chromian diopside and other
gemstones. Nearly all of the cryptovolcanic structures identified by the
author, remain unexplored in the field.